07751 468973 info@lenziehypnotherapy.co.uk |
Hypnotherapy is a therapy that utilises the power of hypnosis to bring about changes in our thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
Hypnosis itself aims to alter our state of consciousness in such a way that we have the ability to bring about changes in our mind. Hypnosis is a skill that can be learned and used long after we have finished formal sessions.
Hypnotherapy is widely endorsed as a treatment for habit breaking, anxiety reduction, stress-related issues, phobias, PTSD and for a range of long-term conditions.
If you are ready to go ahead you can either book direct through this site or I offer a free 20-minute phone consultation to answer any questions you may have; then we can arrange an appointment to visit me or, if required, we can communicate via Skype or Zoom.
Each type of communication has its advantages.
If you feel easier talking in person and are local, then an appointment in Lenzie (just outside Glasgow) is probably the best. Parking is easy and I am only a few minutes from the M8 and M80.
If you prefer to stay in the comfort of your own home, then we can chat online. I prefer to use Zoom although Skype is fine. The communication is completely confidential, and we can work individually or in groups.
Hypnosis has the capacity to work for the majority of individuals, but some are more susceptible to suggestions than others. The most important thing to remember is that you must be fully committed to the process and feel that you can place your trust in me. It’s also important to keep an open mind, as any scepticism may dampen the process.
There is no guarantee to the effectiveness of any treatment in any individual cases. As with everything in life there really can be no guarantee that any course of action will solve your issues. Because I am not in control of my clients and it is important to understand that hypnotherapy is not a magic pill.
I am registered with the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council.
The CHNC were set up by the government to protect the public. They provide a UK register of complementary health practitioners with protection of the public as their sole purpose.
They set the standards that practitioners need to meet to get onto and then stay on the register. As a CNHC registrant I have agreed to be bound by the highest standards of conduct and have registered voluntarily. It also only allows registrants that have been professionally trained and fully insured to practice.
I am also listed on the Hypnotherapy Directory which ensures that only hypnotherapists who have provided proof of a relevant qualification and insurance cover, or proof of membership with an industry professional body are allowed.
I am a full member of the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis and adhere to their Code of Conduct.
At the start I will be asking questions, gathering a little personal information such as sleeping patterns, lifestyle, diagnosed medical conditions, medication and any treatments involving other healthcare providers.
Then we will begin by chatting about what changes you wish to make and your specific goals.
I will also answer any questions you may have about hypnosis so that you feel safe and relaxed about the process.
Because everyone is unique the rest of the session can vary – but whatever we do together we are working with the wonderful mind; using hypnosis, neuro-linguistic patterns and other amazing strategies that facilitate positive changes.
There are often subsequent sessions which will include your feedback over the past week(s) and our goals for that week.
The hypnosis can be done whilst you are sitting in a chair, with eyes normally closed (but open is just as good) and you will remain in control at all times. You will hear me and any background noises, you can move about and at any point you can talk to me.
In addition to the hypnosis I will be teaching you other techniques to help you over this period of change. These include coping strategies, self-hypnosis and/or simple meditation skills. At the end you will be fully alert and able to return to your daily life.
The duration of therapy will really be dependent on your circumstances and the reason for which you are seeking hypnosis.
If you are seeking hypnosis for a one-off service such as smoking cessation for example, I will deliver hypnotherapy in a single session of approximately one and a half hours.
Other issues, however, may better suit a longer-term approach with regular weekly to bi-weekly sessions.
This will be something we will decide on together. Initially, you may decide you wish to meet me on a weekly basis but depending on improvements and how you feel this may become more or less frequent.
If new behaviours are being implemented, then a three-week break may be beneficial. (‘Neurons that fire together, wire together’ is a wonderful way of describing how our brain cells create connections that grow stronger with regular use. When you start a new activity, the links between the neurons that make that activity happen are not very strong; the more consistently you do the activity, the stronger those connections become which makes it easier and easier to do that new healthy habit, meditation, exercise, gratitude or act of kindness the next time. 21 consecutive days is enough to establish strong neural-pathways for this new activity and help it become a regular habit — something you can start to do as automatically as brushing your teeth.
Many health care companies now recognise the importance of complementary therapy and will include them in their benefits package to you.
Remember to also check with your employers to see what you are entitled to.
Access to hypnotherapy on the NHS is incredibly limited and while you can discuss the option with your healthcare provider, it is not widely available.
Hypnosis is the way to experience trance, a natural mental and physical state which we actually visit every day. It is completely unique to you. It can feel like you are daydreaming, or it can feel exciting and exhilarating.
Hypnosis is simply a mindset; you cannot get stuck. When you are in a hypnotic trance, you are not actually asleep. You are, however, often very relaxed and quite alert to everything that is going on. Even if I were to leave the room, you would eventually surface on your own, feeling fine.
Not at all – in fact I will help you gain control over your thoughts, emotions, actions and reactions. I am just a guide to help your mind access this state whereby we can safely amend your automatic behaviours, thought processes, perceptions and beliefs.
While it is possible to install hypnotic amnesia, it is unnecessary to do so in my use of hypnosis as a therapeutic tool. One of the advantages of the hypnotic state is that you will be more fully focused on the issue that we are working on, bringing clarity and understanding that was previously unattainable.
Yes. Studies have shown that repetition and reinforcement has a strong influence on our thought processes, making it easier to change habits and create motivation for positive direction.
I provide clients with my own recordings and teach self-hypnosis if applicable.
I accept cash, cheques, PayPal, bank transfer and debit and credit cards.
You can email me – info@lenziehypnotherapy.co.uk
You can phone or text me on 07751 468973
Message me through Facebook – www.facebook.com/lenziehypnotherapy
I promise to respond as soon as possible.